Maple Shade Athletics and Activities

New State Sports Physical Paperwork



Spring Sports Registration is CLOSED!!!  

Registration for Fall sports will open on June 1st. 

Contact Mr. Diamond at with questions. 

  1. Coaches will send out practice schedules to prospective athletes.  

  2. A baseline ImPACT Testing is required for all athletes.  The baseline is good for two years.  If your child had an ImPACT baseline test on or before August 15, 2022, they will need a new test.  ImPACT Baseline testing will take place at home.  Students will be notified if they need a test and a unique code will be emailed to the student with instructions.  

  3. Emails will be sent regarding physical expiration date and ImPACT date.  

  4. If your child has asthma or needs an Epi-PEN, Mrs. Manlove mailed home those forms in April.  They are required each school year.  Current AAPs/Epi-Pen orders will expire on June 14th.  These forms are good only for the school year.  They expire after the last day of school

  5. Should you have specific questions about registering or medical forms, please contact Mr. Diamond at  All athletes must have a current physical on file as well as a current health history questionnaire. Physicals are good for 365 days. If your child has Asthma, an Asthma Action plan must be on file with the nurse.

    Per state regulation N.J.A.C 6A: 16-2.2 school/team physicians must approve all NJSIAA State physicals for athletics. Therefore, we must have the forms in prior to the dates listed above. Please allow a five to seven-day turnaround for physicals to be approved. Should you have questions about the registration process, please contact Mr. Diamond, Athletic Director at

 Here are some helpful hints in registering your child:

  • If this is your first time registering for a sport, choose the “Create an Account” icon.
  • When entering the student name, it must be entered as it appears in Genesis.
  • When creating a new account, if the student’s name is hyphenated, just leave a space between the names instead of using a hyphen.
  • If you have previously used this site to register for a sport, choose "Returning User-Login Here".
  • Once logged in, complete the required fields. The system will let you know if you’ve missed anything. Once the registration form is completed continue to the next page where (if you are a new user) you will create your login and password for your family account.
Through this family account, you can upload your medical forms and will always have access to them.  You will also receive your child's clearance through the family account.

Athletic Registration and 
Weight Room Permission




Again, athletes are not permitted on the field until they have taken an ImPACT baseline test as required by the Board of Education.  

Per state regulation N.J.A.C 6A: 16-2.2 school/team physicians must approve all NJSIAA State physicals for athletics.  Therefore, we must have the forms in prior to the dates listed above. Please allow a five to seven-day turnaround for physicals to be approved. 

     If your child still needs a physical and Asthma Action Plan, you can still turn them into the athletic office at anytime.  If you have already created a family account (if your child played a fall sport) you can upload them.

     If your child has Asthma, you must also turn in a new AAP and Permission form.  This is required on a yearly basis. Along with this, if your child needs an Epi-Pen, please complete the Epi-Pen Form and return it to the athletic office.    

     All athletes, parents and/or guardians must follow the process below to register for sports participation.

Electronic Signature (ES) Needed

1. Head Injury Concussion Education Sign-off (ES needed)
2. Cognitive Testing & Return to Play Protocols Sign Off - (ES needed)
3. Cardiac Education Sign-Off - (ES needed)
4. Consent to Random Drug & Steroid Testing / Policy & List of Banned Substances Sign-off - (ES needed)
5. Advised Consent Form Sign-off (ES needed)
6. Asthma Awareness Questionnaire - (ES needed)
7. Electronic Signature - (ES needed)
8. Sports-Related Eye Injuries - (ES needed)

If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address it to:

Mr. Bruce Diamond - Athletic Director
Phone Number: (856) 779-2880 ext. 1211